Success Stories Sponsorships

Success Stories Sponsorships

What has become of them?  Visit to 3 former godchildren – September 2017

A visit to Asish. We sat in a restaurant/pastry shop in the city center of Kathmandu. Asish came out of the kitchen beaming. He was visibly surprised about our visit. He told us very proudly that he is satisfied with his life. He let us taste his delicious cakes. They tasted excellent.

Asish is from the district Kavre and is 23 years old. He was assisted by a godmother for 5 years. He has been working at his current job for 2 years and he has become the first pastry chef in that company. He attended the college while working.

In order to meet Ganga Sagar and Pooja, we drove to a village near Kathmandu. Ganga Sagar received us in his school. He was very eloquent and visibly pleased. Currently he is a teacher of mathematics and informatics at a private high school and he likes it very much. We had supported him with a sponsorship for 7 years.

Pooja was less communicative and more reserved. However, she answered our question gladly and willingly. She is 19 years old and works for 3 hours a day at a cooperative collecting money from and lending to members. She seems to be doing her job very correctly. She wishes to continue her study. She was supported for 7 years.

These encounters were very emotional and touching to us, all three  young people were touched and were happy to meet each other in person. They thanked for the support received and asked us to pass this on to their godparents. Even though we know that our support arrives in Nepal and our reliable local partners work well, it is nice to get to know these young people personally and to participate in their success stories.